Donate to
Support the Work

By partnering financially with Restore Method of Care Canada, your donation works to support individuals in physical, emotional or financial distress with the aim of restoring them to health and sustainable life.

Thank you for your commitment to the local community through your gift to Restore.

Donate to our General Fund

Receipts will be issued for all donations for $20 or more.
CRA #822007381RR0001

To donate by cheque, mail to:

Restore Method of Care Canada

175 Anderson Avenue
Markham, ON  L6E 1A4

Donate online, powered by canadahelps

Since 2012.

175 Anderson Avenue, Markham, ON  L6E 1A4  CANADA • 1-888-828-9842

Restore Canada is a registered charity • CRA #822007381RR0001